Surefire Ways to Banish Ticks and Fleas

Surefire Ways to Banish Ticks and Fleas

Are ticks and fleas bothering your pet and infesting your home? These small yet annoying pests infest pets easily, and if your pet has fleas and ticks, your house, furniture, and yard are the next targets. Getting rid of these pests can be challenging, especially during summer, as they thrive in hot and humid conditions. Once they infest your home, it can be increasingly difficult to eliminate them.

If you are wondering how to get rid of fleas and ticks, here are some tips:

1. Keep your pet clean
This is one of the essential tips to get rid of ticks and fleas from your pet’s hair. Look for a safe and natural flea shampoo for your pet. You can also ask your vet or visit a pet store selling natural products to find the right ones.

2. Wash your pet’s bedding
This should be done every few days. Wash the bedding in hot water and dry it on high heat. If you are taking the bedding to a dry cleaner, make sure they use pet-friendly chemicals only.

3. Use a flea comb
If you are thinking of getting rid of fleas and ticks, this method is a must-try. Use a flea comb on your pet’s hair. As fleas typically infest the neck and tail areas, make sure you comb these areas properly. Keep a bowl of soapy water handy to dunk the pests.

4. Talk to a vet
If the infestation is severe, you can talk to your vet to know about oral and topical remedies. However, avoid flea collars as they can be highly toxic.

5. Use flea and tick prevention medication
This is important to protect your pets and home from flea and tick infestation. You must treat your pet once a month with an effective prevention medication. Apart from this, use a flea and tick shampoo for bathing your furry friend, even if you can’t see any active fleas or ticks on them. This will prevent these pests from attaching themselves to your pet and being transported into your house.

6. Maintain your yard
Some simple yard maintenance methods go a long way in preventing pest infestations. Mow the grass and trim the shrubs and plants regularly to reduce the hiding spots. Do not keep shrubs and plants close to your home, and do not leave trash or pet food outside, as these will invite more pests.

7. Clean your house regularly
Routine house cleaning is one of the best ways to keep away fleas and ticks. It will also keep your pet protected from these pests. Vacuum the carpeted surfaces and other areas around the house regularly and empty the dirtbag outside in garbage cans.

These are some simple yet useful tips on how to get rid of fleas and ticks. Remember to treat your pets, home, and yard at the same time to prevent re-infestation.