Healthy Ingredients to Look for in Cat Treats
If you are thinking of pampering your cat with treats, you should ensure that they are healthy and nutritious. The ingredients in healthy cat treats are usually the same as the ones you would look out for in good quality cat food. Keep this point in mind, and you would always be giving your pet the most nutritious treats available. Listed below are some of the ingredients to look for in healthy cat treats.
1. Meat or protein source
One of the first ingredients to look for in healthy cat treats is the meat source. To ensure that you choose the best and most nutritious product for your pet, avoid treats labeled as meat or meat meal as it is difficult to determine the quality of the product. Products with ingredients such as freeze-dried chicken are a better option. Also, it is recommended that you purchase treats made in the country. This way, you would be aware of any issues with the product or FDA recalls.
2. Natural ingredients
Artificial colors and flavors are not good for humans and they are not good for your pet too. Hence, opt for natural ingredients as they are natural preservatives and avoid those with additional artificial flavors. A good point to keep in mind when checking the ingredients label on cat treats is that if you don’t recognize many ingredients, don’t buy the product. You can also consult with your vet if you are unsure of any ingredients.
3. Salt and sodium
Ensure that you check the amount of salt and sodium in the treats you wish to purchase. Excess salt is not good for your pet as it can increase thirst, resulting in frequent urination.
4. Fatty ingredients
High fat content is also not good for pets hence products that contain beef should be avoided. It allows a fat source that cats are not able to digest. Animal fat and vegetable fats such as flax and safflower oil should be avoided.
5. Hypoallergenic treats
If your pet is allergic to certain types of food then checking the label could help prevent gastrointestinal and skin reactions. If your pet is on a special diet, then keep your vet’s recommendations in mind when selecting treats. If your pet is overweight, ensure that the products you wish to buy are nutritious and help manage weight. Before you buy treats for your pet, you could also consult your vet regarding any dietary requirements that your pet may have.
In addition to the above-mentioned ingredients to look for in healthy cat treats, keep in mind that treats should be no more than 10% of your cat’s total daily calorie consumption. Healthy treats are those which provide your pet with the vitamins and nutrients it needs.