The Pros and Cons of Exercising at Home

The Pros and Cons of Exercising at Home

Are you thinking of setting up a home gym? Then in addition to reading up on and researching home gym equipment, you should also take a look at this list of pros and cons of working out at home.

1. Pros
Here is a list of pros of working out at home:

  • No excuses
    You can work out at any time when you exercise at home. You can choose an early morning or late night schedule as you don’t have to work around a gym’s timings. Plus you can exercise in any way that you want. Also, if you have a treadmill, then you can jog, run, or walk on it, irrespective of the weather. With so much convenience and flexibility, you have little excuse to not work out when you’re at home.
  • Less expensive
    Joining a gym or other fitness and physical activity classes can be expensive. In addition to the membership fees, you would also need to pay for your commute, parking, etc. Hence, saving time and money is a big pro of working out from home.
  • Privacy
    When working out at home, you can exercise however you wish to, wear what you want, and just be yourself. You can enjoy your favorite tunes and perform whatever form of exercise you want, such as weights or running. When exercising at a gym, you could be a bit conscious of people around you. You might also need to wait if a certain piece of equipment is being used by someone else.

2. Cons
Here are some cons of having a home gym:

  • Limited access to equipment
    Your gym membership gets you access to a wide range of fitness equipment, and even advice and suggestions from a personal trainer. When you choose to exercise at home, you would need to think about the kind of equipment you wish to purchase carefully, as it would probably be a one-time purchase. Also, the equipment you choose to get would depend on your budget and the space that you have for it.
  • Lack of motivation
    Not feeling like exercising can be a common excuse you could make if you’re working out from home. If you force yourself to get to the gym, then chances are, you would end up exercising. But when you’re at home, it might be difficult to find the energy or motivation to exercise after a long and tiring day. Hence, the best way to work out at home might be to create a schedule and stick to it.
  • Less social interaction
    With social media being all the rage, we hardly get a chance to meet or talk to people. Joining a gym can be a great place to make friends and meet people. You could also choose to spend time with a friend while exercising at the gym.