Human Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat

Human Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat

Many dedicated dog lovers like to share their favorite foods with their pets. While you can safely introduce some human foods to your dog’s diet, some may be harmful to your pet’s health. Hence, before giving your pet the foods you eat, you must know which ones are safe and which foods can cause severe health issues. Here is a list of people’s foods to avoid feeding your pet.

1. Chocolates
You may love chocolates, but it’s not safe for your furry friend. Chocolates, especially dark chocolate, contain certain toxic substances or stimulants that may interfere with your pet’s metabolic process. While a small piece of chocolate can cause diarrhea and vomiting, a large amount of it may affect the heart function, cause seizures, and can be fatal as well. Hence, remember to keep chocolates away from your pet.

2. Onions and garlic
Anything in the Allium family, such as garlic, onions, leeks, chives, scallion, and shallots, is not suitable for dogs. These foods contain compounds that may cause gastroenteritis and anemia in pets. Garlic is five times more toxic when compared to other Allium family plants. It can cause anemia, weakness, elevated heart rate, and pale gums. The signs or symptoms of poisoning from onions and garlic may not appear for many days after ingestion. Hence, if your dog has eaten these foods by mistake, monitor her for a few days or talk to a vet. Onions and garlic are essential people’s foods to avoid feeding your pet.

3. Coffee and caffeine
These products contain methylxanthines that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, abnormal heart rhythm, hyperactivity, tremors, excessive thirst, and frequent urination in dogs. In severe cases, they may also lead to seizures and death.

4. Macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts are among the most poisonous foods for dogs. They can increase body temperature and cause lethargy and vomiting. Many times, dogs find it difficult to walk after consuming macadamia nuts. They may also affect your pet’s nervous system.

5. Grapes and raisins
Although grapes and raisins are not that harmful, they may cause kidney failure in some dogs. Pets may also suffer from vomiting, lethargy, and diarrhea within 12 hours of consuming these foods. If these symptoms are not taken care of, issues, such as decreased appetite, increased urination, and dehydration, can occur. In case your dog consumes grapes or raisins by mistake, take her to a vet without delay.

Apart from these, other people’s foods to avoid feeding your pet are alcohol, raw bread dough or yeast dough, artificial sweetener xylitol, rhubarb leaves, avocado, moldy or spoilt food, mushrooms, milk, and other dairy products. If you are not sure about the foods you can give your dog, consult a veterinarian. To be on the safe side, avoid feeding human foods to your furry friend.