5 Top-Rated Autonomous Vehicles

5 Top-Rated Autonomous Vehicles

The wave of the future is reading a book, putting on your makeup, even sleeping while you sit in the driver’s seat of your car. This was a laughed at wish for many years and now we’ve come to a time where these wishes don’t seem so far-fetched. Self-driving technology has arrived in the automotive industry. Giving a car the ability to sense its environment and move safely with little or no human input is soon expected to be an option in some cars.

There are a few cars that promote this technology that are considered the best of their breeds:

1. Voyage – Robo taxi service is in full effect

Voyage has already perfected its self-driving capabilities; they have a self-driving car that is currently on the road in San Francisco, CA. This particular vehicle has a top speed of 25MPH. The software is designed to know exactly where pedestrians and other vehicles are at all times. This safety measure along with its computer vision will deliver superhuman self-driving technology.

2. Waymo – Builder drivers not cars

The Waymo technology touts the most experienced driver credentials since it has millions of miles driven under its belt. This experience has provided incredible amounts of data that can be used by research and development to further the advancement of autonomous driving. This technology is growing fast and experience will lead the way.

3. Pony.ai – Autonomous mobility everywhere

This public-facing Robotaxi service is located in both California and China. Pony.ai started out in 2016 for the benefit of the people. The technology that is being developed by Pony to be able to navigate a variety of demanding road scenarios in both the US and China.

4. Volvo – The most life saving technology in history

This company has always been known as the safest car to drive. This company has now decided to make a move into the self-driving industry. What makes Volvo different is that its self-driving technology will be integrated into the roofs of all of its next-generation cars.

5. Tesla – The future of driving

All of the cars built by Elon Musk come equipped with self-driving capability. This technology provides eight surround cameras that provide 360 degrees of visibility around the car. The future of Tesla’s self-driving capability is when you sit in the driver’s seat all you need to do is tell your car where you want to go. If you are on the phone or too busy, the car will check the owner’s calendar and decide the destination, if there is nothing on the calendar the car will simply take you home. If you think that is awesome, the car will allow the driver to get out of the car and automatically turn on park seek and it will find a parking space nearby for you.